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Reopening: What are the school's plans?

We are currently in a very detailed planning process working alongside the Borough, unions and other settings to see what we can safely re-open from the 1st June 2020. As already communicated, the government would like schools to begin the process by opening nurseries, Reception classes and Year 1 classes. 


It is our aim to very carefully communicate with you when we have confirmed the details and plans. We will also create some videos and images for children so they know what to expect. The school will undergo certain changes to ensure the safety of everyone, these may include:


  • changes to the physical layout and place of classrooms

  • changes to the size of classes (pupils are expected to be separated into smaller groups)

  • the allocation of teachers/staff (groups may be covered by adults outside of the normal staffing)

  • restricted movement around the school

  • changes to use of resources and equipment

  • not being able to offer lunchtime or breakfast/after school clubs


These will be communicated clearly and concisely with you as soon as possible.

In response to the concerns I have received regarding the return to school, the government has stated there will be no penalty should your child remain at home- this will be your decision. We will continue to provide Home Learning resources/activities.


Additionally, in response to queries: if your child is clinically extremely vulnerable, or living with someone who is in this group, they should not come back to school and should continue home learning. If your child is clinically vulnerable (but not clinically extremely vulnerable), you should follow medical advice to decide if they should come back to school. Please refer to Government guidance for further details of these groups.


We are aiming to get a more detailed communication out to you by the end of next week.


Thank you for your continued support and understanding.


Miss Khokar, Headteacher
