Lavender Class post weekly (sometimes even daily!) updates on our Class Dojo page.
Please remember to sign up to Classroom Dojo for regular updates and information.
Please speak to Miss Hayward for further information.
Don't forget to check out our photo's page as well!
International Week June 2019 - New Zealand!
We walked to Dedworth Library to talk to an author
We tried stroop waffles from the Netherlands
Samosas brought in by one of the mummy's - thanks!
Yummy food tasting!
We learnt about Maui the demigod from Maori myths
We had a go at drawing Maui and his tribal tattoos
We watched Moana, which in Maori means Ocean!
We tried Maori bread, Kiwi and Pavlova
The kiwi dipped in chocolate went down a treat!
We designed and made Maori masks!
International Week June 2019 - New Zealand
Year 4 have been looking at New Zealand and the Maori people during International Week - we had a go at learning the moves and the actions the New Zealand rugby team 'The All Blacks' use in their traditional 'Haka' before each game!
Lavender and Bluebell Sports Morning!
Year 4 lap of honour
Year 4's last run down the track as a class, as a team, as a family!
Year 4 relay race!
Whole class total of 5000 on Class Dojo!
Celebrating our fantastic learning attitude!
Enjoying ice lollies in the sun!
5000 dojo's!
Bike-ability (3rd - 4th April 2019)
All our bikes were checked!
We spoke about the importance of a helmet!
Ready to go!
Brilliant balance!
Moving around objects
Stopping suddenly!
Signalling to turn
Fantastic listening to instructions!
I want to ride my bicycle!
The children had great control over their bikes, could maneuver around objects, brake and signal to turn! Look at those smiles! We did get a bit soggy in the rain but the children had a great time and learnt so much from the instructors.
We visited All Saints Church for an art project! (18.03.19)
We walked down to the church from school
We looked at the Stain Glass Windows
We discussed this statue and the meaning behind it
We spoke about the art work in the church
The children asked really good questions
We were told stories about the Church
We had a go at painting heaven
Children used the church as inspiration for art
The church is running a competition -Art in Heaven
The children thought really hard about their work
Amazing ideas about heaven
Creative interpretations
We had a great time and learnt a lot from the team
Lavender Class worked really hard!
STEM Week (Friday) - March 2019 - Engineering
We looked at influential women in STEM
We got engineering certificates!
We used Lego in golden time to make structures!
STEM Week (Thursday) - March 2019 - Engineering
Today we ventured outside for outdoor learning!
We enjoyed searching the trees for nests!
We even found some daisies!
We looked around the garden for insects
We loved walking in the muddy puddles! #Wellies!
Our STEM task was to engineer a birds nest
Gathering sticks for the nest
We had great communication and team work
Great structural engineering!
Finishing touches added
Larger sticks to keep the chicks safe, great idea!
Thinking about materials and shapes we could make
It was quite windy outside so we adapted designs
We discussed keeping the nest firm and stable
We checked on our 'Walking Water' experiment!
We talked about dangerous oil spills in the ocean
We tried to get cooking oil out of water
We realized it was extremely hard to get it all!
We tried lots of techniques and equipment
The children created posters on the dangers of oil
They were passionate about protecting the ocean
STEM Week (Wednesday) - March 2019 - Engineering
Building boats!
We looked up density and buoyancy to help us
We worked so well in our teams using communication
Our finished boats!
Testing our finished product
Did it float?
Was it waterprooff?
Could it hold a 50g weight inside?
They were all very well made!
We discussed how the buoyancy force helped it float
We thought about the area of our boats
We had a visit from the ducklings!
We got to hold them and see them waddle around!
They even went for a swim!
So cute!
We did an experiment called 'Walking Water'
Capillary action helped the water move up
The colourful water mixed in the middle
It was like watching magic!
We also made a water cycle in a bag!
Ducklings Swimming!
The Ducklings enjoyed coming to visit Lavender Class and they even had a little swim!!
STEM Week (Tuesday) - March 2019 - Engineering
Designing our own musical instruments
Making our own musical instruments
String Telephone to investigate vibration
Make the longest chain from 1 piece of paper!
STEM Week (Monday) - March 2019 - Engineering
Making structures using marshmallows and sticks!
A pyramid for a roof! Great 3D shapes
Free-standing and multi-story structures
Designing a robot in computing
Choosing different material like steel and marble
Robot designing and TEAM WORK!
Egg Drop - design a structure to keep an egg safe
We are going to drop the egg from 2 meters
We had to buy the materials on a budget!
Testing our designs to see if it worked!
Ducklings! (March 2019)
We have had some new arrivals at Alexander!
We watched six ducklings hatch!
The children loved visiting!
Rose class are looking after them.
Very lively and playful today!
Super cute!
Lion Masks! - Spring Term 2
We planned and designed our Lion masks.
We used a range of techniques to curl the mane.
We used Aslan from Narnia as inspiration!
The masks are all fantastic and unique!
The effect of different drinks on our tooth enamel experiment - Autumn Term 2018
We set up a fair test
We left the eggs in the different jars for 7 days
We found out coke & orange juice can strip enamel
We are working hard on formal written method of subtraction - September 2018