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We teach phonics through Read Write Inc. Children are taught different sounds and how to recognise them in words. Next they will be taught to blend sounds together to make words.

Throughout Year 1 the children will also be exposed to "alien" (nonsense) words. Learning to decode these words will help them read more complicated words as they get older.





Sound buttons


The children will be taught how to add "sound buttons" onto written words to help them to identify the different sounds. This helps them to recognise the separate sounds that they know first and then blend the word more confidently. 


Reading groups


In Sunflower class we work in reading groups three times a week. During these sessions we practise our sounds, green words, red words and read our story book. The children bring their books home, which will be changed when the group is ready to move on. We ask that you read at least five times a week with your child and record it in their reading records. Every Wednesday we check to see who will be celebrated for managing five reads by looking in their records. no





This video explains how to use sound buttons and the process of reading both real and "alien" words.

Phonics cards
